Most standard driving school experiences are underwhelming to say the least. In less than 30 short lessons both theory and practice, you complete the course and be on your way to get a driving license.The driving practice sessions are often less than 10 minutes each and the test itself has a driving distance of less than a kilometre.

And just like that the license is in your hands. The license to make life and death decisions affecting yourself and others.

In most driving schools on the continent, barely any student fails the driving test. How is that even possible? This is a big, big problem. Many drivers admit that they barely knew how to drive properly when they acquired a driving license. The commercial focus of most driving schools makes them collude with testing officers to ensure that no student will fail regardless of their assessment result.

This broken system is pushing out unqualified drivers onto our roads by the dozens. Driving is a privilege and not a right. Until we treat it as such, we will keep seeing rising fatalities as almost everyone from driving schools, testing officers, traffic policemen & fleet operators are out to take a short cut to hell.

If you run a fleet, an advanced driving or riding training program is the single most significant investment you can make in your vehicle users. And Advanced Mobility Africa is very good at this, but do we say! Don’t take our word for it, ask our previous participants, check out our reviews, check our certification by the National Industrial Training Authority.

For heaven’s sake try the competition if you have to, just do something or nothing will change about the 1.3 million global road fatalities every year.