Climate Crisis

Electric Mobility
The world is fast moving towards electric vehicles (EVs) due to the urgency of climate changes caused by fossil fuel pollution. Climate action has become the defining struggle of our lifetime. Many countries are on course to ban sale of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Some vehicle manufacturers are also phasing out production of ICE vehicles. Since 2017 sales of ICE passenger vehicles have been falling every year to date. Meanwhile EV sales have been growing steadily at a rate of change never seen before in the history of the automotive industry. In 2023 over 14 million electric vehicles were sold globally despite the current challenges of high purchase cost, limited range and limited charging infrastructure.
Advanced Driving
Poor road safety skills are main cause of accidents leading to injury, death & huge economic losses in Africa. The annual loss from road traffic crashes is about 3% of global GDP, larger than the national budgets of most African countries. On the continent more lives are lost through road fatalities than through to terrorism, corona virus or crime. The risk assessment and skill levels of most road users are the main cause of this grave situation.
Given the existing poor road safety record, high death rates, expanding motorization, and growing population, we all have to work together to lessen the impact of this terrible road carnage trend on families, communities and the economy. .
Road Safety

Fleet Management
The Headache
Many organizations are struggling with high operational costs, high accident rates, low fleet availability, bad maintenance practices, poor record keeping and poor people management. From corporate & humanitarian organizations, to SMEs, truck operators & taxi operators. Many have shut down and caused the loss of fortunes, livelihoods and lives. Many people in logistics, transport & fleet management roles are stressed out because they never get a break from this demanding work.
The role of a Fleet Manager is to efficiently manage vehicles, drivers & other assets for safe and productive operations. Driver management is a complex and unending process of communicating expectations, tracking performance & taking corrective action. Vehicle fleet management is a strategic function that delivers a competitive advantage when executed correctly.

About Us
The Advanced Mobility Centre is changing the fleet management & road safety challenges in Kenya into a success story. Our centre delivers high-impact transformation for fleet operators, drivers & all road users. Our clients gain high skill levels in electric mobility, fleet management & advanced driving. Our big hairy audacious goal is to train 25,000 fleet operators and road users in the next 5 years. For both groups, we reduce their costs per kilometre, reduce their accident rates, increase productivity and profitability. We also promote the adoption of new mobility solutions such as connected, autonomous, shared & electric vehicle technology.
Our Training Approach
1) E-Learning modules – enables learning at learner’s pace and convenience, is accessible from anywhere. It has engaging & interactive content through slides, pictures, videos, timed assessments & evaluation scores.
2) In-person training – classroom theory & field practical training with our experts who have trained many groups both locally and internationally. This is Electric mobility, Fleet management and Advanced driving on another level.
3) Simulator training – a real driving cockpit fully equipped with vehicle components such as seat with seatbelt; active clutch, brake & accelerator controls, real traffic & engine noise, and various weather & light conditions.
4) Advanced practicals – the practical depends on the specific program like E-Mobility Technical, EV Driving, Eco-Driving, Defensive Driving & 4X4 Driving. For driving a fitness & simple medical check is done practical can begin.

Our Services
Electric Mobility training
In-depth EV technology skills to the participants from architecture, safety procedures, charging infrastructure,
maintenance & diagnosis of electric vehicles. Vehicle maintenance as a profession is
moving from a mechanical skill to an electrical skill-based career.
Leasing Management Support
Assist fleet operators and managers to select the best vehicle acquisition model based on their capital availability, operational model & commercial requirements.
Fleet Management Support
Assist fleet operators and managers with solutions to common and unique challenges in their logistical operations. Manage risk and reduce your cost per km, increase your fleet availability & efficiency.
Driver Assessment
Gauge a driver’s ability to control the vehicle, carry out common manoeuvres properly, knowledge of the highway code & understand their decision-making process
4x4 Driving Course
Teaches road users the handling characteristics and general performance of 4WD vehicles in both on-road and off-road setups.
Eco Driving Course
Teaches road users safety techniques and how to drive the vehicle in the most economical way to save fuel, the single biggest operational cost.
Defensive Driving Course
Teaches all road users how to evaluate road conditions, anticipate other people’s actions, avoid accidents and monitor their own performance.
Our Target Groups
1) Fleet operators & personnel – business owners, corporate & humanitarian organizations, SMEs, truck operators, taxi operators, and people in logistics, transport & fleet management.
2) Road users – self-drive employees, company drivers, institution drivers, truck drivers, PSV drivers, taxi drivers, personal chauffeurs, individual motorists, motorcycle riders, cyclists, passengers & pedestrians.
3) Safety personnel – fire-fighting team, fire marshals, first aid attendants, health and safety committee members, maintenance workers, security guards & facility management personnel.
Intro Video
Our Vision
Safe and productive mobility for fleet operators & road users in Kenya.
Our Mission
Delivering high-impact transformation for fleet operators, drivers & all road users.
Block A-202, Repen Complex, Mombasa road
P.O. Box 55183 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
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